Heidi Schubert (Sr Advisor, Quality Education) is Save the Children’s global focal point for their Literacy Boost and Numeracy Boost programs. Through her time at Save the Children, she has had opportunities to work with Ministry of Education officials, teacher trainers, and others to adapt literacy and math games and activities that can support children’s skills development in schools, homes, and communities in a variety of contexts. Ms. Schubert has led the organization of the Reading Comprehension Interest Group (originally under the umbrella of the Global Reading Network), since 2018, as her passion for reading comprehension has been the guiding thread throughout her career. The SBCC for Literacy arm of the USAID-funded Mureke Dusome project in Rwanda first sparked Ms. Schubert’s interest in SBC for education, and she’s excited to learn from others on this panel and to share about a recent global good developed by the Reading Comprehension Interest Group to support caregivers with SBC messages on literacy and SEL.

Heidi Schubert
Senior Advisor, Quality Education
Save the Children