Jordan Naidoo was most recently the UNESCO Director Kabul Office, and Country Representative to Afghanistan, having retired in December 2021. From 2015 to 2019, he was the Director of the Division of Education 2030 Support and Coordination (based in Paris, HQ) leading UNESCO’s global coordination of the SDG4-Education 2030 Agenda. Prior to this, he was a Senior Education Advisor at UNICEF in New York responsible for strategy and research on equity and innovation in education. Having worked directly on programmmes in Indonesia, Nepal, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Bolivia and Haití, South Africa, and the US among others, he has extensive experience and expertise in policy analysis, evaluation and monitoring, teaching and learning, decentralization, governance and democratization in education, peacebuilding and education in fragile contexts and education reform. Dr. Naidoo received his M. Ed. from the University of Natal, South Africa and Doctor of Education (D. Ed.) from Harvard University. Among other publications, he was the editor of the Springer publication, Community Schools in Africa - Reaching the Unreached.