For over forty years, Daryl has educated and advised strategic leaders and veteran change practitioners in many of the world’s most successful organizations, helping them to understand and navigate the challenges and opportunities they face during transformational change. He is co-founder and chairman of three distinct but related platforms that he uses to deliver his work:
- Conner Advisory ( provides change execution guidance to senior leaders in the civil society sector, particularly in the international NGO space.
- Conner Academy ( offers a methodology-agnostic learning environment where experienced internal and external change professionals (change management, HR, OD, corp. strategic planning, executive development, IT, etc.) can pursue mastery-level professional development.
- Conner Partners ( equips senior leaders with change execution architecture and advice as they implement transformational endeavors critical to their organization’s future.
Daryl’s work is built on a strong foundation of research, extensive consulting experience, and a master’s degree in psychology. He has authored two books—Managing at the Speed of Change (Random House, 1993) and Leading at the Edge of Chaos (John Wiley & Sons, 1998)—and more than 250 publications, including journal and magazine articles, monographs, book chapters, and videos. In recent years, his newer published work has been made available through blogs, essays, and white papers (Advisory Research,,, and Change Thinking).