Struggling with rising insurance costs? Now’s your chance to take control!
Join us for 30-minute session on how your organization can gain access to invaluable insights and powerful tools designed to help you make smarter financial decisions and lower your total cost of risk.
Join us for an exclusive session with industry experts Matt Tuman and Kevin Pedone, who bring a combined 30 years of experience in international insurance. They’ve helped countless NGOs and businesses optimize their coverage—and now, they’re offering a free review of your insurance portfolio to uncover potential savings. Join us for this information session to learn more about how to sign up for your free review.
Please note that there is no financial obligation. Clements is offering this service pro-bono as a way to help the community through these uncertain times.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to save—reserve your spot today!
Registration for this event will close at 4:00 PM on Monday, March 17.
This event is open to Institutional Members and individual Members of SID-US only, including those recently laid off or furloughed from Institutional Members.
Please note, the event is geared towards organizations' insurance, not insurance for individuals.
If you are not a current member, join here or email [email protected].