Carol A. Grigsby
Education and Inclusive Development
Previously a senior executive at USAID, Carol is an independent consultant specializing in international education and inclusive development. As a senior adviser for Women Thrive Worldwide, she supported Thrive’s international campaign for equitable education and capacity development for its Global South education partners. She has served on two experts groups for the Learning Metrics Task Force, responsible for developing core competencies and measures of international learning. In addition, she provided advice and guidance to Perkins International on strategies to advance inclusion of children with disabilities in international education programs and now serves as a senior international fellow for the Burton Blatt Institute. During her USAID career she served in a succession of senior management positions with the Africa Bureau, including director for West Africa, and later as deputy in the USAID Administrator’s Office of Development Partners, the precursor to USAID’s Learning Lab. She also served stints in the State Department budget office and as foreign policy adviser to Senate majority leader George Mitchell.