Ting Shih is the CEO and founder of ClickMedix, an award-winning AI-powered healthcare technology social enterprise born out of MIT with the mission of improving the health of over 1 billion people using mobile technologies. Her areas of expertise include health technology solution design, AI/machine learning, scale-up strategy, lean/Six Sigma process improvement and operations management, and organization change management.

She spent more than 10 years implementing mobile health programs across Africa, Asia, South America, and the US to enable healthcare to be delivered to anyone regardless of income-level, gender or age through telemedicine, AI, and health workers, to connect patients to world-class medical experts. Ting has worked with US and international insurance firms, health systems, governments, research institutions, and private corporations to reduce costs of healthcare systematically, while reaching more underserved patients. ClickMedix was inducted to the Million Lives Collective Vanguard for directly improving the lives of 1,000,000+ patients in 2022.

Ting is World Summit Awards winner (2019), Asia21 Young Leaders (2018), Asian American Chamber of Commerce Young Professional of the Year (2018), Geneva Forum for Health Award (2016), winner of USAID / DAI Innovation into Action Challenge in 2016, Toyota Mother of Invention in 2015, and she is the Cartier Women’s Initiative Laureate (North America, 2012). She holds an MBA and MS in Systems Engineering from MIT. In addition, she has a BS in Computer Science and MS in Software Design and Management from Carnegie Mellon University.