Melissa Fisher, a cultural anthropologist, is a Visiting Scholar at New York University’s Institute for Public Knowledge; a faculty member in the Human Capital Management Department at NYU’s School of Professional Studies; a Senior Advisor focused on workplace culture and design at CFAR Consulting Services; and a Researcher in the Global Foresight Project based out of the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (SCAS). She is also a US Delegate to the W20. Fisher’s research brings together the study of gender, finance, feminism and leadership in the United States, Europe, and globally. Her first book, Frontiers of Capital: Ethnographic Reflections on the New Economy (Duke University Press, 2006), a co-edited volume, brings together ethnographies exploring how gender relations have been altered by radical economic and technological innovations. Her second book, Wall Street Women (Duke University Press, 2012) is a historical ethnography of the first generation of women on Wall Street (1956-2010). Her current book in progress examines how workplace experts imagine and shape the design and experience of future workplaces, with a focus on the potential for either promoting equity and justice or perpetuating hierarchies of class, race, gender, and power. She is also collaborating with director Maria Giese on developing a documentary on women in global finance.