I help leaders answer the questions "what else may be possible here?" and " what’s next?" For themselves, their teams, organizations, communities, and the world. As an organization development consultant, certified professional coach, context-specific leadership development facilitator, and former humanitarian aid worker, I’ve served in more than 30 countries for some of the world’s largest multi-lateral donors, NGOs, and government agencies. I specialize in navigating uncertainty, complexity, and grief recovery.

Having spent the first 20 years of my career in complex political-humanitarian-development-peacebuilding crises, I was an early advocate of adaptive management at USAID and the agency’s Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting approach. I created new teams and tools, bringing together stove-piped functions in USAID's Office of Transition Initiatives like design, monitoring, evaluation, and reporting, with continual context analysis, GIS mapping, data visualization, and staff development to support field-led innovation, action research, and learning. I later founded a small business, designing dynamic strategy and action planning workshops to support adaptive leadership and organization development initiatives for public and private sector companies--including executive coaching for their worldwide staff--while serving as an adjunct professor at American University's School of International Service.

My passion for intercultural learning, listening, and leading inspired me to serve as Peace Corps staff where I co-created new trainings and programs with colleagues in Peace Corps/China; launched the Peace Corps’ first global onboarding program; advised on the development of the Agency’s first learning strategy; and oversaw the design and delivery of global trainings to support staff professional development. I currently coach Volunteers around the world through Peace Corps' Wellbeing Telecoaching program.

With Acute Incite, I continue co-creating brave spaces for transformational learning and adaptive leadership. A trusted collaborator for colleagues and clients alike, I am committed to making a world of difference to those who make a difference in the world.

Trained somatic coach since 2014. Volunteer faculty for the ICF-certified Federal Internal Coach Training Program (FICTP). Fluent French. Basic Mandarin and Kiswahili.