2019 SID-Washington Annual Dinner
Celebrating Achievements in International Development
Honoring Paul Polman
Thursday, December 12, 2019
5:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20004
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To view the video from this event please click here.
Please join us for one of the highlights of our year - our Annual Dinner - where we convene with more than 700 international development professionals each year to network, celebrate, and to honor someone who has contributed to the field of international development in an extraordinary way.
This year we will honor Paul Polman, former CEO of Unilever and Co-founder/Chair of Imagine. Called "A crucial voice for corporate responsibility" by the New York Times, Mr. Polman has long been a champion for sustainability, human rights and economic development while overseeing one of the world's largest consumer goods companies whose products include many brands we all know and use every day. He served on a United Nations panel that created the Sustainable Development Goals and was among the most prominent business leaders calling for world leaders to commit to the Paris climate accord in 2015. He has also urged cooperation among other corporate leaders to implement sustainable business strategies and drive systemic change. Mr. Polman sits on numerous corporate and government boards, using these positions to push for greater corporate social responsibility. And now, through his new venture, Imagine, he is going even further in his efforts to combat poverty and climate change and help companies meet the UN global goals for sustainable development. We are extremely pleased that Mr. Polman can join us to receive our Award for Outstanding Leadership in International Development this year.
The evening will include our ever popular networking reception, a sit-down dinner, and remarks about and by our honoree. This is an exceptional opportunity to gather with your current, past and future colleagues, friends, and partners from NGOs, the private sector, government agencies, universities, think tanks, consulting firms, and other organizations working in all sectors of international development. Register today and plan to join us on December 12th for an unforgettable evening!
For more information, please click on the links above or email [email protected] or call (202) 331-1317
Thank you to all of our sponsors!
Exclusive Reception Sponsor
NORC at the University of Chicago
Social Impact
Athena Infonomics
Counterpart International
International Development Group LLC
Juárez & Associates
Panagora Group
Stephen F. Moseley, President, UN Association-National Capital Area
The Kaizen Company
The Mitchell Group, Inc. (TMG)
World Learning
Student Sponsor
FHI 360
RTI International
Chocolate Sponsor
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