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Nickol Global Solutions

Member Since 2017
209 Madison Street, Suite 503
Alexandria, 22314

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About Nickol Global Solutions

Nickol Global Solutions (NGS), a fast-growing international development implementing partner, is dedicated to strengthening public institutions and civil society and amplifying the voice of all citizens for more inclusive, accountable societies. Since our founding in 2017, NGS has emerged as a highly trusted partner to the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and other development agencies.

We design and implement innovative activities and projects that work with individuals, communities, civil society and governments to address the root causes of inequality, exclusion, and poverty. Our solutions are context-driven, scalable, and measurable. We advance development objectives – even in the most restrictive or complex operating environments – by working with local actors to:

• Assess and develop capacity
• Co-create appropriate local solutions
• Enhance transparency and accountability
• Engage stakeholders of all types
• Improve public service delivery
• Promote and protect citizen voice for more responsive government
• Measure success and continuously adapt for greater impact
• Create safe platforms for transparent dialogue between citizens and governments
• Communicate impact to highlight learning and evidence