Connecting international development professionals and organizations is central to the SID-US mission. SID-US seeks to cultivate partnerships that are mutually beneficial, especially with those organizations that complement our mission. Partners are typically organizations that can assist SID-US in offering new services or enhancing benefits that we already provide to our members. In return, SID-US would offer benefits to each partner based on their needs. Although each partnership is unique, our current partners include network organizations, universities, associations, and other international development companies.
Partner With Us
Our partners:
- Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA)
- Black Professionals in International Affairs (BPIA)
- Boston Network for International Development (BNID)
- Business Fights Poverty
- Devex
- DevelopmentAid
- Feedback Labs
- Gallaudet University (GU)
- Global Kids
- Global Integrity/OpenGovHub
- Global Washington
- International Career Advancement Program (ICAP)
- International Club of DC
- International Consortium on Governmental Financial Management (ICGFM)
- Kudo
- mEducation Alliance
- Middlebury Institute of International Studies (MIIS)
- Minnesota International NGO Network (MINN)
- Simmons Center
- The Alliance Center
- William & Mary Global Innovation Challenge (WMGIC)
- Women in International Affairs Network (WIAN)